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What we do

The governing body has a strategic role in the running of the school: Setting and monitoring aims and objectives. We meet as a whole at least once a term. In addition sub-committees convene as required.


“We act as a critical friend to the school”


Who we are

Chair of Governors: Jane Griffiths

Vice Chair: Anna Hind


Local Authority Governors (LA)

Cardiff Council can appoint any eligible person as an LA governor, such as a councillor or person interested in supporting schools.

Jane Griffiths (2025) Gerry McNamara (2026) 1 VACANCY


Community Governors

Further governors represent the wider community interests of the school. They tend to be people who live or work in the Radyr area.
Cllr: Rod McKerlich (2026),  David Currie (2026), Vicky Wales (2026), Kelly Storer (2027)


Parent Governors

Parent governors have a child at Radyr Primary at the time of appointment and are elected by parents of children at the school.

Anna Hind (2023), Rebecca Armstrong (2025), Emma Lane (2025), Maeve Dolan (2026)


Staff Governors

Teaching Staff - Rachelle Turner (2023) and Non-teaching Staff - Maria Brown (2026).

Headteacher - Claire Skidmore

Clerk to Governing Body: Linda Greenwood



Note: Dates for re-election are shown in brackets.


Updated September 2014

Governors Annual Report to Parents Academic Year 2022 2023
