Maths Homework - Children will have maths homework on a Friday. Pupils should complete the task and bring their homework books back to school by the following Tuesday. Homework will then be marked in school.
In addition to this, I would like pupils to spend some time every week learning times table facts. There are links to games on the main class page. (A few minutes every day is enough)
Literacy/Theme Homework – Pupils will generally have an additional piece of literacy or theme homework every other week. I will specify when these tasks will need to be completed by.
Spelling Homework – Spelling lists and homework tasks will be given out on a Friday and should be completed and returned to school by the following Friday. Pupils will bring home a spelling rule/pattern and 5 words that demonstrate the rule/pattern. Pupils will be expected to learn these words but they will be tested on 10 words that follow the same rule/pattern. In addition to this pupils will have a piece of homework linked to the rule/pattern.