Home Page

Year 1 Mrs Evans and Mrs Jenkins

Hello and welcome to our Year 1 class page.


Our topic for the first term is ‘All Change’. Through this topic we will be exploring areas such as seasons, animals, life cycles and cooking.

We have already been on our first trip this year to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

After returning from the trip we asked the children what they would like to learn and different activities they would like to do in class all about animals.

The children came up with some fantastic ideas which we will be using to inform our planning throughout the autumn term.

A very popular idea was to create our own farm shop. The children are currently working on creating this area and exploring maths skills in the process when giving change and paying for items at the shop.

Other ideas included:

  • Making animal puppets
  • Designing our own farm
  • Growing our own vegetables
  • Exploring and making habitats
  • Making vegetable soup to sell in the farm shop
  • Painting our own animals
  • Learning about nocturnal animals


We will be doing our very best to use as many of the children’s ideas as we can this term to make their learning fun and exciting.



This term we will be working on our phonics in great depth. We will be using our phonic knowledge to sound out and blend simple words to help us with our reading, as well as our writing. We will be working on using our full stops, capital letters and finger spaces when writing, as well as using wow words and time connectives.



We will begin this term by recapping our number formation, ordering numbers correctly in different sequences and using our number bonds to 10 and 20. We will be learning how to solve basic adding and subtracting problems and how we can use our number bonds to help us.



Our PE day is a Wednesday and we have games on a Thursday (weather permitting) the children will need to have their PE kits in school on these days.



We will begin sending one piece of homework a week after Christmas.


Reading Days

The children have a new reading book each week, their book and book bag needs to come in each week on their designated day so that they can be changed.


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us anytime.


Mrs Evans and Mrs Jenkins
