A little message for all the children and their families:
As you all know, things are going to be a little bit different for a while. Whilst we may not be seeing each other, I'll still be in touch and you will all be able to get in touch if you need support or something isn't working as it should when you are away from school. I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with the challenges we set you - remember, I'll be checking on the active learn.
Keep checking the google classroom for updates, we'll be adding assignments and trying to give you ways to help. Make sure you are asking your friends for their help and using the google classroom feed so share helpful tips.
Even though you might be missing school, remember to try your best. You may even learn some new skills and I'd love to hear about them. Remember to email me if you are stuck! I can't wait to find out how you're getting on!!
Look after yourselves and take care.
Mr Thomas and Mrs Williams
Welcome To Year 6LT 2018/19
Welcome to the homepage of our class. We have made a fantastic start to the year and I have been impressed with all pupils attitudes as they make the shift to the top of the school. It promises to be a big year this year with Stackpole, transition to a variety of different secondary schools and lots of fun along the way.
P.E this year is with Mrs Jeffreys on a Wednesday and games on a Thursday so please make sure correct P.E kit is in school on these days. Homework will be given out on a Friday, to be returned on a Tuesday and spellings will go home on a Monday, to be returned on a Thursday with a spelling test to be completed on a Friday.
Hope all this helps. Anything else that is missing please feel free to get in touch.
Many thanks, Mr Thomas
World In Union
After a very exciting immersion day at the start of the term we are well underway with our new topic. We have looked at lots of different ideas to cover looking at this topic and if any other ideas pop up during the term we will change the lessons accordingly.
This term we will be covering the following:
We will begin the year by looking at the novel Millions by Frank Cottrell Boyce. Lots of our literacy work will be linked to the text, with drama activities and writing using empathy based on the main characters linked to this key text. We will also be looking at oracy skills with debates and discussions in preparation for a debating competition we are hoping to enter in October.
Maths/ Numeracy
We will be covering lots of mental strategies for addition and subtraction at the start of the term, looking at column addition and subtraction as well as working backwards to solve reasoning problems.
Our exciting topic this year is World in Union. We have had lots of fabulous ideas from pupils after the immersion day which we will be using when we plan the topic, including food from around the world, researching countries competing in the world cup as well as finding out more about Japan, their traditions and culture.
If you have any ideas or questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.